Through dedication and broadening her horizons, Abigail Xu hopes to one day work in a field where she can make a significant impact on the lives of those less fortunate.
After graduating from Caulfield in 2020, Abigail commenced a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of Melbourne and involved herself in the Melbourne Conservatorium Symphonic Ensembles Program. She also started working as a Foundation Scholarship tutor at Caulfield in order to give back to the School and student community, which has helped shape who she is today. Recently, Abigail was selected for the highly-esteemed and competitive Department of Treasury and Finance 2021 Mentoring Women program, where she will receive one-on-one mentoring from a DTF economist in the area of economics and public policy.

Abigail performing at Carnegie Hall in 2017 after receiving 1st places in the American Protégé International Woodwinds and Brass Competition 2016 as well as the American Protégé International Music Talent Competition Fall 2016.
Day-to-Day Life
In order to cope with her busy schedule, Abigail has focused on improving her organisation and time management skills. Normally her everyday schedule would include a one hour commute to University, followed by a day spent in classes or the library. When Abigail manages to squeeze in a bit of free time, it is usually spent on Southbank campus for rehearsals or socialising with her friends. While the extent of her independence was a shock initially, Abigail is getting use to juggling academic studies and extracurricular activities, whilst maintaining a healthy social life. Nevertheless, it has been a challenge Abigail has relished.
A Focus on Justice
After completing her Commerce degree, Abigail hopes to study Law. Abigail has always had a vested interest in the justice-focused regulations within the corporate world, and hopes to one day be able to represent and protect the rights of the marginalised groups of our society.
“The main inspiration for choosing this path is to be able to help protect the rights of marginalised groups/voices within society.”
As is the case with many young people today, Abigail is still trying to figure out how she is best oriented to positively contribute to society. She has considered representing parties in court or taking a more entrepreneurial approach and developing products and services to make life more convenient and accessible.
“Entrepreneurship is a topic that has always intrigued me, especially in the earlier years of my high school life. Involvement in the ‘Business Entrepreneur’ and ‘Commerce’ elective classes at Caulfield further sparked my interest in the commerce and law sectors.”
With such a vested interest in Law as well as Commerce, Abigail has noticed several areas she hopes to see improvements in within the commercial world. She believes it is important for large corporations to become more transparent about their environmental impacts as well as employee working conditions. Abigail also hopes that within the next 5 to 10 years she will be undertaking practical legal work and begin to see some of these changes come to fruition.
Current and Future Alumni
When asked to offer a piece of advice to current and future alumni, Abigail stresses the importance of living in the present and making the most of the opportunities that come your way. She believes that while it may seem like a daunting experience to enter the adult world after high school, one should attempt to make the most of your opportunities and leave no stone unturned.
“Navigating the ‘real world’ may seem like an undeniably daunting and nerve-wracking reality, but that should never impede upon your present experience. Consider stepping out of your comfort zone and taking on challenging opportunities. Live your life without regretting the chances never taken!”
Watch the video interview with Abigail Xu and fellow Grammarian Youssef Sabet now.
Want to connect with Abigail? You can find her on:
This profile was written by a team of young Grammarians as part of our inaugural Young Alumni Tell Their Stories Week – a week of content (including a social media takeover) by young alumni for young alumni. This initiative forms part of our broader Young Alumni Ambassador Program (YAAP).