
Say hello to our YAAP team!

This year we launched our inaugural Young Alumni Ambassador Program (YAAP). As part of this program, we are running Young Alumni Tell Their Stories Week – a week-long takeover of CGA social media channels (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and YouTube) and our website by young alumni for young alumni (18-30-year old’s).


YAAP Project Team

With the social media takeover fast approaching we thought we’d take this opportunity to introduce the team behind it:


Holly Robertson (Class of 2017) is the fearless leader who has been a part of the CGA team since 2019. Although she loves all things Caulfield and her time working with alumni, acting is her true calling. She is currently pursuing a career in acting, directing and playwriting.


Along with Holly are Imy Hunter (Class of 2016) and Nick Maclaren (Class of 2016) who have been close friends since meeting in Year 7 at Caulfield Campus.


Imy is studying for a commerce degree at Monash University with the vision of becoming an investment banker. He is also juggling playing for multiple touch rugby teams including representing the Melbourne Storm.


Nick is the newest member of the team having joined at the start of March 2021. Nick has recently finished his studies in Business and Marketing at Monash. He has a passion for traveling and can’t wait to make his way back to South East Asia when borders open.


Holly, Imy and Nick have also received fantastic help with the project from some young creative masterminds.


Videography and Photography


Campbell Lord (Class of 2018), who runs his own business called Lord Media Group, has been with them every step of the way as the videographer and editor. Campbell has filmed all the interviews and been a wonderful influence on the creative process for the look and feel of the production.


Graphic Design


Along with Campbell, Chris Krassaris (Class of 2016) of CK Creative, has been the graphic designer throughout. Chris has been brilliant in designing the YAAP logo as well as helping make graphic video title and end slides and overlays.


Get Involved

A big thanks to our team of wonderful young alumni who have put together such an exciting week of content! There are some truly amazing stories coming your way and you can catch all the action by following along on CGA socials (@cgscga), subscribing to our YouTube channel or reading written profiles on our website.


Young Alumni Tell Their Stories Week launches Monday 23 August 2021.

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