Young Alumni

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The Caulfield Grammarians’ Association (CGA) is the association for past students (alumni) of Caulfield Grammar School. As a young Grammarian (18 to 35 years of age) you are part of our lifelong community. Young alumni make up significant proportion of our alumni – 30% in fact!

Become an active Grammarian to stay connected with your friends, as well as make new connections with past and future graduates. The CGA is here to help you as you transition to further study and work. We would love for you to get involved in our young alumni program.

Young Alumni Ambassadors Program (YAAP) 

Become a Young Alumni Ambassador today by contacting for more details.

You can also stay connected by updating your details here and following us on social media (Facebook, Insta, Twitter, LinkedIn, Youtube).


Reverse Mentoring Program

Our Reverse Mentoring Program was inspired by these articles featured in the Harvard Business Review and the Association of the Heads of Independent Schools Australia and our desire to innovate in the mentoring space. By flipping the traditional mentoring relationship, we hope to give young alumni the opportunity to share issues and perspectives affecting youth of today.  

Young Alumni Ambassadors will mentor CGS Stakeholders on themes around: Embracing authenticity, adaptability & innovation, personal brand & digital networking, using new technology, resilience & risk taking. The emphasis will be on learning from our young people and building mutually beneficial relationships by sharing different perspectives. 

Our Reverse Mentoring Program is a key part of our award winning Young Alumni Ambassador Program (YAAP) and aligns with our Strategic Priority of Active and Diverse Engagement.




Program Structure

This year the program will include 5 pairs that will meet on three separate occasions:


For further information on the program or to participate, please contact