
Vale Andrew Herington

Vale Andrew Herington standing on top of a hill next to the ocean

Andrew Herington (source: The Age)

Andrew Herington attended Caulfield Grammar briefly in 1964 and then from 1967 to 1969.  He was Dux of the School in 1969.  He followed his brothers Adrian (1957-64), Peter (1958-67) and Philip (1960-67) as students at the School.  Passionate about social issues such as the ending Australia’s involvement in the Vietnam War, Andrew wrote the following in the Debating report in the 1969 edition of the School Magazine:

With modern war becoming more like mutual suicide each year, the age of the orator is returning. Each country’s continued existence depends on persuading the enemy that attack is not imminent. With this in mind, Australia has decided to train its Peace Talks negotiators for the 1980 session already, and so there is a vigorous debating league run between Melbourne’s schools. …

A member, worker and advocate for the Friends of the Earth after leaving school, Andrew spent some time in the United States working with the legendary political activist Ralph Nader.  Upon his return to Melbourne he ran the ALP’s transport campaign for the 1982 state election, which resulted in a Labor victory and installed John Cain as Premier.  Andrew was subsequently hired by David White, Minister of Water Supply, Mines and Minerals and Energy, as his Chief of Staff.  Over the next 40 years Andrew was policy adviser for the ALP in Melbourne, except for seven years working for Parks Victoria and a brief period as an adviser in Canberra. Eventually he was hired by Victorian Premier Steve Bracks as his Policy Director in 2001, Bracks recalling that he was “struck by Andrew’s creative energy. He didn’t have one policy idea. He had dozens. And he could back up those ideas with serious policy muscle.”  These comments were made in a eulogy Steve Bracks gave at Andrew’s funeral following his death in April 2021 at the age of 68.

Andrew Herington (front row, far left in green shirt) with Friends of the Earth in 1979 (source: The Age)


Following Andrew’s death the Age published a two-page tribute titled: Ratbag and policy giant: Andrew Herington left his mark on Victoria. This article can be read in full by clicking here.  Steve Bracks’ eulogy can be accessed here.


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